Monday, February 14, 2011


Fastin-XR 90 Capsules:

  • The King of Stimulant Weight Control Formulations Just Got Better!

  • Cranked Up Fastin with Immediate and All-Day Extended Release (XR) Technology!
  • Utilizes 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) (Geranium Extract) for Even More Stimulant Action!

Fastin… Everyone is either using it or has heard about this remarkable feel-good nutritional product, whose ingredients have rapid stimulant effects that are a pleasure to experience. Fastin utilizes Thermo-Rx, a unique phenylethylamine alkaloid blend from the plant Acacia rigidula , and other potent stimulants that support extreme energy, a great mood, and optimal weight control.

The demand for Fastin is now growing faster than for any other stimulant weight control product in the United States. People are ecstatic about how Fastin gives them raging energy, makes them feel really good, sharpens their senses, and helps them get a grip on fat. Now, three years after the introduction of Fastin, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has stepped up to create Fastin-XR, which is even more potent than Fastin.

Fastin-XR contains the identical ingredient profile of stimulants as found in Fastin, but seriously pumps up the stimulant activity with an additional 130mg of Thermo-Rx phenylethylamine alkaloids and another 50mg of caffeine. But Fastin-XR isn't just about putting in more of a good thing. Hi-Tech takes Fastin-XR way over the top by also incorporating one of the most state-of-the-art stimulant compounds to ever emerge from the depths of nutraceutical stimulant and thermogenic science. This compound, which is called 1,3 dimethylamylamine (DMAA) (an extract from the plant Pelargonium graveolens, more commonly known as geranium), may very well be the piece de resistance in Fastin-XR. DMAA is a sympathomimetic amine, which means it mimics norepinephrine – the neurotransmitter that kicks off stimulant and thermogenic, fat-burning activity in the body. Thus, DMAA not only provides additional stimulant activity beyond that of the original ingredients in Fastin, but also provides support for the other ingredients that have weight control activity.

In addition to its incredible energy-enhancing, and mood-enlightening effects, Fastin-XR utilizes its feel-good stimulant compounds to promote lipolysis (the hydrolysis, or breakdown, of fat into fatty acids and glycerol), fat mobilization (the combination of lipolysis and the release of these fatty acids from fat cells into the bloodstream), and thermogenesis (the burning of fatty acids and glucose to heat your body).

Briefly, here is how the ingredients in Fastin-XR work to help you get a grip on fat.

Fastin-XR utilizes the ingredients Thermo-Rx (phenylethylamine alkaloids), synephrine, and DMAA to support activation of beta-2,3 fat cell signaling receptors, which triggers lipolysis. Fastin-XR also utilizes the ingredient yohimbe extract to de-activate (block) alpha-2 fat cell signaling receptors, which prevents lipolysis shutdown. You see, knowing how to correctly utilize the precise compounds required to selectively activate and de-activate these specific fat cell receptors is a tricky business. If your weight control product inadvertently activates alpha-2 receptors in the process of activating beta-2,3 receptors, your fat cells will cling tightly to their fat stores (and the supplement company that makes the weight control product will soon be out of business). Because of the heavy distribution of alpha-2 receptors on subcutaneous fat in women around the hips, thighs, and buttocks, this makes Fastin-XR a woman's best friend.

Fastin-XR also utilizes the ingredients caffeine and theobromine. Researchers believe that these ingredients have a synergistic effect with the ingredients that activate these fat cell signaling receptors, by interfering with several mechanisms involved in the negative feedback loop of the lipolysis cascade, which means not only enhanced lipolysis, but sustained lipolysis.

All of the ingredients in Fastin-XR mentioned thus far also support thermogenesis by promoting activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This is very important because increased thermogenesis provides an accelerated outlet for the body to burn the free-fatty acids that enter the bloodstream from enhanced lipolysis and fat mobilization.

But that isn't the end of how the ingredients in Fastin®-XR work to help you get a grip on fat. All of the stimulant ingredients in Fastin®-XR help support your ability to control your desire to eat. Additionally, another ingredient in Fastin®-XR (not found in the original Fastin) is 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MOT), which supports the activity of the neurotransmitter serotonin that also favorably influences the hunger centers in your brain so that you feel full.

Not only does Fastin-XR utilize the most advanced nutritional ingredients known to weight control nutrition science, but it also incorporates an equally advanced delivery system to put this ingredient powerhouse into action. Fastin-XR, as its name says, incorporates a sophisticated manufacturing process that utilizes extended release (XR) delivery technology for specific control of immediate and day-long extended release of its active ingredients. This promotes its awesome feel-good, energy-enhancing, and weight control effects throughout the day.

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