Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does Fastin contain phentermine?

We constantly get it asked, is this the prescription pill Fastin. Fastin, used to be prescribed as a diet pill which had the active ingredient phentermine. The pharmaceutical company that originally distributed it and manufacturered the product discontinued it.

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals (a supplement manufacturer, not a pharmacy) wanted to bring a product to the market very similar to the prescription medication and also obtained the rights to sell their product under the name Fastin. Although the feeling and effect of Hi-Tech’s Fastin is at least as good as the original, the formula has changed in significant ways.

The new Fastin diet pill is formulated around phenylethylamine HCL and derivatives of this molecule. Phenylethylamine is an amazing compound that is naturally present in human fluids and tissue. This compound is probably the cleanest stimulant ever researched, which has the remarkable ability to stimulate the central nervous system, without causing nervousness or the jittery feeling. Phenylethylamine is found in chocolate and is responsible for its effects on mood, appetite, and sense of well-being. This stimulant is great for improving concentration and giving you an over all increased feeling of well being. Simply put, you will feel good throughout the day while decreasing appetite. Methyl synephrine is also in the formula for fastin. Accordingly, the ideal fat loss compound would be one identical to Acacia rigidula, but especially methyl synephrine. Until now, there has never been a beta-adrenergic compound like methylsynephrine that can stimulate lipolysis and increase resting metabolic rate.

• Theobromine – also in the formula is the primary methylxanthine found in products of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cocao. As a member of the methylxanthine family, it is thought to elevate levels of serotonin, the same action as the popular anti-depressants. Theobromine has a lot of research that shows its extraordinary effects on fat loss, appetite suppression, and mobilization of fatty deposits. Theobromine acts as a mild diuretic and stimulant, which creates a synergistic effect with caffeine.

• Yohimbine HCL – has been shown in many clinical trials to effectively block alpha 2 adrenoreceptors. These studies have found that yohimbine increases the amount of non-esterfied fatty acids (NEFA’s) a product of lipolysis (the breakdown of fat), in the bloodstream for both lean and overweight subjects. There are a number of feedback mechanisms that prevent the release of norepinephrine (NE), one of the body’s primary lipolytic hormones. When NE is released, such as when taking methylsynephrine and Acacia rigidula, it stimulates both the alpha and beta adrenoreceptors. Stimulation of the beta adrenoreceptors has the opposite effect, preventing the release of NE and lipolysis. Yohimbine prevents this negative feedback mechanism, and works in a synergistic fashion with the other components to increase NE and lipolysis. There are a number of reasons why alpha-2 inhibition is specifically useful. First, while the beta-adrenergic system primarily controls lipolysis during periods of intense activity, during rest, which makes up most of our day, the alpha-adrenergic system is in control. Also, “stubborn fat” areas – usually the abdominal area in men and the glutofemoral area in women – contain a higher ratio of alpha-2 receptors, making yohimbine particularly effective in these areas (whereas other drugs that increase NE may be somewhat counterproductive). Finally, alpha-2 blockade increases blood flow in adipose tissue, which prevents fat from being retained in the area.

• Caffeine Anhydrous USP – acts as a stimulant and thermogenic in humans, and is commonly taken to boost energy or mental concentration. It will stimulate the central nervous system and the metabolism. Once metabolized, caffeine can increase lipolysis in the body. Caffeine may also increase the effectiveness of other substances such as ephedrine or yohimbe, and was incredibly popular in the commonly used ECA stack These ingredients make up the 345mg fastin pills available through Hi Tech.

It is an impressive diet pill and one that is used by thousands of people with success, it is not however the prescription pill phentermine.

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